Storylines: Select Medical Orange County Cup Presented by Intralinks
July 11, 2023
- WHAT A BREAK: After taking April off, ALW has not lost a match since her return.
- FIRE SINGLES: Texas Open Championship singles matches were fire – will that continue in Cali?
- RESERVATION FOR BEN: Ben Johns did not play in this event last year – in all 3 draws this week.
- COOL BREEZE: San Clemente highs expected to be in the 60s, well down from the stifling heat of Texas.
- ALLYCE JONES IS BACK: In singles, mixed with Collin Johns, and women’s with Jorja Johnson
- FS1 for singles semifinals on Thursday from 8-10pm ET.
- PPA YouTube coverage all weekend long.
- Defending medalists: JW Johnson, Tyson McGuffin, James Ignatowich
- Singles prep for MLP – loaded field includes Alshon, Koller, Loong, and all of the other usual suspects.
- Can Fed get back to Championship Sunday?
- WATCH OUT FOR: Jaume Martinez Vich – made it to a HUGE Championship Sunday last week, will the flair, spicy interview moments, and strong play continue?
- Defending medalists: Parris Todd, Anna Leigh Waters, Callie Smith
- ALW’s last loss in a singles final was on this court last year to Parris Todd.
- Lea Jansen notably NOT in the singles field – perhaps saving the body after a grueling three events in Texas just a few days before.
- WATCH OUT FOR: Anna Bright – doesn’t play a lot of singles but can do serious damage.
- Defending medalists: Waters/Johnson, Kovalova/Wright, Smith/Koller
- Trading in Pioneers – Fed Staksrud played very well with Meghan Dizon last week and is now paired with Etta Wright (Meghan and Etta are MLP teammates on the Seattle Pioneers).
- Newmans made the TX final and are playing together again this week.
- WATCH OUT FOR: Andrea Koop and Dylan Frazier – that’s a dangerous team right there. Koop was nursing a rib injury and missed the last couple of tourneys, but she’s back.
- Defending medalists: Kovalova/Smith, Waters/Waters, Jansen/Parenteau
- AL with CP – first back-to-back pairing, had been flip-flopping partners previously (AL’s other partner Bright is playing with Megan Fudge).
- Jessie Irvine looking to get back to Sunday – this week with Andrea Koop.
- WATCH OUT FOR: The Brascias were this close to getting to Championship Sunday in Atlanta – can they get it done at home?
- Defending medalists: Newman/Wright, Koller/Collin Johns, Frazier/Johnson
- Collin gets his “usual” partner back after medaling here last year with AJ. The Johns boys have just one loss in 2023.
- Fun pairing alert: It’s Tyler Loong’s and Jay Devilliers’ 2nd event together, played one event in 2020.
- WATCH OUT FOR: Tellez/Staksrud who really pushed the Johns brothers in Texas over three epic games.