Stats-Wrap: Arizona Grand Slam Finals
July 11, 2023
A look at the statistics from the gold medal matches at the PPA Arizona Grand Slam in Mesa, Arizona, on February 19, 2023.
A few of the Sunday Standouts:
- Anna Leigh Waters’ singles winning streak continues.
- Federico Staksrud had an 11-0 “pickle” in the second game of the Singles Final.
- Riley Newman, combining the Men’s Final and Mixed Final, attempted 114 third shot drops and missed only one into the net.
- The Women’s Doubles Final had 151 serves and returns without any errors.
The matches appear in the following order:
- Women’s Singles
- Men’s Singles
- Women’s Doubles
- Men’s Doubles
- Mixed Doubles
PPA Arizona Grand Slam, Mesa Arizona, February 19, 2023.
WOMEN’S SINGLES Final: Anna Leigh Waters defeated Lea Jansen, 11-5, 11-5.
CLEAN WINNERS: (No net-cord, no opponent’s paddle).
Waters: 12, including 1 on the third shot.
Jansen: 12, including 2 on the third shot.
Waters: 7.
Jansen: 9.
Waters: 2.
Jansen: 9.
LONGEST RALLY: 14 shots.
Waters : Won 2 out of 6.
Jansen: none.
TIME OUTS: Did the team that called time out win the next rally? (excluding video reviews)
Waters: Won 2, Lost 0.
Jansen: Won 1, Lost 3.
Jansen beat Waters in the finals of the Orange County Cup in June 2021. Since then, Waters has beaten Jansen in ten straight gold medal matches.
PPA Arizona Grand Slam, Mesa Arizona, February 19, 2023.
MEN’S SINGLES Final: Federico Staksrud defeated Jay Devilliers, 11-2, 11-0.
CLEAN WINNERS: (No net-cord, no opponent’s paddle).
Devilliers: 8, including 0 on the third shot.
Staksrud: 19, including 5 on the third shot.
Devilliers: 5
Staksrud: 2
Game Two, 4-0, Devilliers Erne.
LONGEST RALLY: 24 shots. (Game One, 2-2.)
Devilliers: none.
Staksrud: Won 2 out of 3.
TIME OUTS: Did the team that called time out win the next rally? (excluding video reviews)
Devilliers: Won 2, Lost 1.
Staksrud: none.
Match-high 24-shot rally, Game One, 2-2.
Staksrud has opened this year silver-silver-gold in Men’s Singles..
PPA Arizona Grand Slam, Mesa Arizona, February 19, 2023.
WOMEN’S DOUBLES Final: Anna Bright and Anna Leigh Waters defeated Jessie Irvine and Jackie Kawamoto, 11-7, 7-11, 11-1, 11-3.
1,890 shots.
151 rallies.
12.5 shots per rally.
37.7 rallies per game.
69/151 rallies were 9 shots or less. (46%)
82/151 rallies were 10 shots or more. (54%)
Shortest: 1 shot (0), 2 shots (0), 3 shots (11), 4 shots (5).
(8% of the rallies were four shots or fewer.)
Longest: 50, 46, 33.
(7 rallies were 30 shots or more. 25 were 20+.)
Bright: 57 drops,21 drives. (73% drops)
Waters: 3 drops, 4 drives. (43% drops)
Bright/Waters: 60 drops, 25 drives. (70% drops)
Kawamoto: 3 drops, 3 drives. (50% drops)
Irvine: 54 drops, 6 drives (90% drops)
Kawamoto/Irvine: 57 drops, 9 drives. (86% drops)
Third Shot Totals:117 drops, 34 drives (77% drops)
***Missed Serves/Returns/Third Shots***
Bright: (3). 2 third shot drives-long, 1 third shot drop-net.
Waters: (none).
Kawamoto: (none).
Irvine: (5). 4 third shot drops-net, 1 third shot drive-long.
***Third Shots Kept “In Play”***
Bright: 78/81 = 96.2%
Waters: 7/7 = 100%
Kawamoto: 6/6 = 100%
Irvine: 60/65 = 92.3%
I counted the instances when a regular dinking rally or dinking opportunity was accelerated, and that shot or the ensuing hand-battle led directly to the end of the rally. (therefore, not including speedups that were eventually re-set during the same rally, or when a team became clearly defensive.) Here are those “starts”, and the ensuing result for that -team-.
Bright: initiated and won 9, initiated and lost 7.
Waters: initiated and won 10, initiated and lost 7.
Bright/Waters: initiated and won 19, initiated and lost 14. (57% success)
Kawamoto: initiated and won 4, initiated and lost 7.
Irvine: initiated and won 5, initiated and lost 6.
Kawamoto/Irvine: initiated and won 9, initiated and lost 13. (41% success rate)
Speed-up Totals: In the instances I counted, the team that initiated the speed-up won 28 and lost 27, for a 51% success rate.
DINKS INTO THE NET OR WIDE: (Unstressed, “regular” dinks. Not speed-ups, blocks, etc.)
Bright: 2
Waters: 4
Kawamoto: 5
Irvine: 4
GOOD FUNDAMENTALS: The two categories above accounted for only 15% of the rallies.
CLEAN WINNERS: (No net-cord, no opponent’s paddle).
Bright: 9
Waters: 12
Kawamoto: 5
Irvine: 5
(20% of the rallies ended with a clean winner)
HIGHLIGHT REEL: (ATPs, Ernes, etc.)
Bright: 2 Ernes.
Waters: 1 ATP.
Kawamoto: 1 ATP defended.
Irvine: none.
Bright: (3). 2 out, 1 in (lost rally).
Waters: (2). 1 in (won rally), 1 in (lost rally).
Kawamoto: (3). 1 in (won rally), 1 in (lost rally), 1 out.
Irvine: (1). 1 out.
Bright: 7
Waters: 5
Kawamoto: 7
Irvine: 5
Bright/Waters: Won 3 out of 6.
Kawamoto/Irvine: Won 1 out of 2.
TIME OUTS: Did the team that called time out win the next rally? (excluding video reviews)
Bright/Waters: Won 2, Lost 0.
Kawamoto/Irvine: Won 2, Lost 2.
- Game Two, 3-0-2, Waters catches a drive cleanly in her left hand. (odd play, crowd was amused)
- Game Four, 1-5-1, 46-shot rally.
- Game Four, 10-3-2, Match-ending and match-high 50-shot rally.
- 151 serves and returns, all kept in play. That’s rare.
- Kawamoto/Irvine won Game Two 11-7 after trailing 0-6.
- Kawamoto/Irvine beat Kovalova/Smith in the semifinals.
PPA Arizona Grand Slam, Mesa Arizona, February 19, 2023.
MEN’S DOUBLES Final: Ben Johns and Collin Johns defeated Riley Newman and Matt Wright, 11-7, 7-11, 11-4, 14-12.
1,941 shots.
166 rallies.
11.7 shots per rally.
41.5 rallies per game.
96/166 rallies were 9 shots or less. (58%)
70/166 rallies were 10 shots or more. (42%)
Shortest: 1 shot (0), 2 shots (5), 3 shots (6), 4 shots 10).
(12.6% of the rallies were four shots or fewer.)
Longest: 97, 54, 48, 47.
(10 rallies were 30 shots or more. 22 were 20+.)
Collin Johns: 20 drops, 8 drives. (71% drops)
Ben Johns: 21 drops, 34 drives. (38% drops)
Johns/Johns: 41 drops, 42 drives. (49% drops)
Wright: 12 drops, 1 drives. (92% drops)
Newman: 43 drops, 20 drives (68% drops)
Wright/Newman: 55 drops, 21 drives. (72% drops)
Third Shot Totals: 96 drops, 63 drives (60% drops)
(two third shots were not on camera)
***Missed Serves/Returns/Third Shots***
Collin Johns: (4). 2 returns-long, 1 return-net, 1 third shot drive-wide.
Ben Johns: (1). 1 third shot drive-net.
Matt Wright: (3). 1 return-long, 1 return-net, 1 third shot drive-long.
Riley Newman: (3). 2 third shot drives-long, 1 third shot drive-wide.
***Third Shots Kept “In Play”***
Collin Johns: 28/29 = 96.5%
Ben Johns: 55/56 = 98.2%
Matt Wright: 13/14 = 92.8%
Riley Newman: 63/66 = 95.5%
I counted the instances when a regular dinking rally or dinking opportunity was accelerated, and that shot or the ensuing hand-battle led directly to the end of the rally. (therefore, not including speedups that were eventually re-set during the same rally, or when a team became clearly defensive.) Here are those “starts”, and the ensuing result for that -team-.
Collin Johns: initiated and won 4, initiated and lost 1.
Ben Johns: initiated and won 9, initiated and lost 9.
Johns/Johns: initiated and won 13, initiated and lost 10. (56% success)
Wright: initiated and won 8, initiated and lost 14.
Newman: initiated and won 17, initiated and lost 12.
Wright/Newman: initiated and won 25, initiated and lost 26. (49% success rate)
Speed-up Totals: In the instances I counted, the team that initiated the speed-up won 38 and lost 36, for a 51% success rate.
DINKS INTO THE NET OR WIDE: (Unstressed, “regular” dinks. Not speed-ups, blocks, etc.).
Collin Johns: 1
Ben Johns: 3
Matt Wright: 4
Riley Newman: 2
RALLIES ENDING IN THREE SHOTS OR LESS (excluding winners): 11.
GOOD FUNDAMENTALS: The two categories above accounted for only 12.6% of the rallies.
CLEAN WINNERS: (No net-cord, no opponent’s paddle).
Collin Johns: 12
Ben Johns: 23
Matt Wright: 15
Riley Newman: 9
(35% of the rallies ended with a clean winner)
HIGHLIGHT REEL: (ATPs, Ernes, etc.)
Collin Johns: 1 ATP defended, 4 Ernes, 1 Erne defended, 2 lefty shots.
Ben Johns: 1 ATP, 5 Ernes, 1 Erne defended.
Matt Wright: 1 ATP, 2 Ernes, 3 Ernes defended.
Riley Newman: 1 ATP defended, 2 Ernes, 2 Ernes defended, 1 lefty shot.
Collin Johns: 9
Ben Johns: 7
Matt Wright: 9
Riley Newman: 5
Johns/Johns: Won 3 out of 5.
Wright/Newman: Won 1 out of 5. (Had three game points in Game Four and did not convert)
TIME OUTS: Did the team that called time out win the next rally? (excluding video reviews)
Johns/Johns: Won 1, Lost 3.
Wright/Newman: Won 1, Lost 2.
- Game One, 5-5-1: 48-shot rally.
- Game Two, 0-0-1: Wright defends a point-blank Erne with a bang-bang winner.
- Game Three, 2-5-1: a wild, scrambling rally.
- Game Four, 0-0-2: a 13-volley hands-battle.
- Game Four, 10-9-1: a match-high 97-shot rally on a championship point.
- Newman and Wright had game points but lost the game, and subsequently the match, both in this event and at the Desert Ridge Open.
- Johns and Johns have won four straight tournaments, the longest streak in this division since record-keeping started in August 2020.
- Odd streak: Newman or Ben Johns has been a part of every men’s doubles gold medal-winning team since October 2021.
PPA Arizona Grand Slam, Mesa Arizona, February 19, 2023.
MIXED DOUBLES Final: Anna Bright and Riley Newman defeated Jorja Johnson and JW Johnson, 8-11, 11-7, 9-11, 11-5, 11-4.
2,368 shots.
196 rallies.
12.1 shots per rally.
39.2 rallies per game.
100/196 rallies were 9 shots or less. (51%)
96/196 rallies were 10 shots or more. (49%)
Shortest: 1 shot (0), 2 shots (4), 3 shots (8.), 4 shots (7).
(9.7% of the rallies were four shots or fewer.)
Longest: 49, 47, 38.
(8 rallies were 30 shots or more. 36 were 20+.)
Jorja Johnson: 25 drops, 14 drives. (64% drops)
JW Johnson: 44 drops, 7 drives. (86% drops)
Johnson/Johnson: 69 drops, 21 drives. (76% drops)
Bright: 14 drops, 3 drives. (82% drops)
Newman: 70 drops, 14 drives (83% drops)
Bright/Newman: 84 drops, 17 drives. (83% drops)
Third Shot Totals: 153 drops, 38 drives (80% drops)(one, no tv)
***Missed Serves/Returns/Third Shots***
Jorja Johnson: (3). 1 return-long, 1 third shot drive-net, 1 third shot drop-net.
JW Johnson: (3). 2 returns-net, 1 third shot drop-net.
Anna Bright: (2). 2 third shot drops-net.
Riley Newman: (2). 1 return-long, 1 third shot drop-net.
***Third Shots Kept “In Play”***
Jorja Johnson: 39/41 = 95.1%
JW Johnson: 51/52 = 98.1%
Anna Bright: 17/19 = 89.5%
Riley Newman: 84/85 = 98.8%
I counted the instances when a regular dinking rally or dinking opportunity was accelerated, and that shot or the ensuing hand-battle led directly to the end of the rally. (therefore, not including speedups that were eventually re-set during the same rally, or when a team became clearly defensive.) Here are those “starts”, and the ensuing result for that -team-.
Jorja Johnson: initiated and won 13, initiated and lost 14.
JW Johnson: initiated and won 12, initiated and lost 10.
Johnson/Johnson: initiated and won 25, initiated and lost 24. (51% success)
Bright: initiated and won 8, initiated and lost 8.
Newman: initiated and won 25, initiated and lost 18.
Bright/Newman: initiated and won 33, initiated and lost 26. (56% success rate)
Speed-up Totals: In the instances I counted, the team that initiated the speed-up won 58 and lost 50, for a 53.7% success rate.
DINKS INTO THE NET OR WIDE: (Unstressed, “regular” dinks. Not speed-ups, blocks, etc.)
Jorja Johnson: 9
JW Johnson: 5
Anna Bright: 5
Riley Newman: 3
RALLIES ENDING IN THREE SHOTS OR LESS (excluding winners): 11.
GOOD FUNDAMENTALS: The two categories above accounted for only 17% of the rallies.
CLEAN WINNERS: (No net-cord, no opponent’s paddle).
Jorja Johnson: 12
JW Johnson: 22
Anna Bright: 4
Riley Newman: 19
(29% of the rallies ended with a clean winner)
HIGHLIGHT REEL: (ATPs, Ernes, etc.)
Jorja Johnson: 2 ATPs.
JW Johnson: 4 Ernes.
Anna Bright: 1 ATP, 1 Erne defended.
Riley Newman: 1 Erne, 1 Erne defended, 3 lefty shots.
Jorja Johnson: 15
JW Johnson: 9
Anna Bright: 12
Riley Newman: 4
Johnson/Johnson: Won 2 out of 3.
Bright/Newman: Won 3 out of 10.
TIME OUTS: Did the team that called time out win the next rally? (excluding video reviews)
Johnson/Johnson: Won 2, Lost 2.
Bright/Newman: Won 0, Lost 1.
- Game One, 4-0-2: JW Johnson “Double Erne.”
- Game 1, 7-8-2: 47-shot rally.
- Game Three, 3-2-2: match-high 49-shot rally.
- First PPA title for the Bright/Newman team.
- First PPA final for Jorja Johnson.
- Johnson/Johnson, the #8 seeds, beat top-seeded Waters/Johns in the quarterfinals.