March 12-16, 2025
CIBC Texas Open

Junior PPA Tour Powered By Proton

About Junior PPA

Junior PPA is a campaign dedicated to fostering youth pickleball players through competition events, development opportunities, and social activity. Junior PPA offers a spotlight for youth athletes around the world to showcase their talents, develop physical and mental skills, and compete against other top juniors in the rising community of pickleball. Junior PPA events will transpire alongside certain sports of the PPA Tour, where the top professional pickleball players in the world play. 

Our Mission

At Junior PPA, our mission is to promote, encourage, and advance youth pickleball by creating opportunities for athletes 16 years of age and under to compete, learn, and grow in a positive and fun environment. The Junior PPA’s approach is intended to strengthen the skill set, health, and character of youth, as well as the culture of youth pickleball. 

Our Vision

We strive to be committed to youth development while encouraging continued participation in the community of pickleball. We hope to use our resources, platform, and passion to inspire the next generation of pickleball athletes. 

Junior PPA Rankings Presented By Proton

Last Updated: February 11, 2025

Ranking Name Points Age
1Estelle Libo120012
2Scout Johnson90012
3Grace Kosednar80012
4Kiera Ouvarova50012
5Serena Chi50011
6Alexandria DeMaree40010
7Ella Evans40010
8Emma Langdoc30011
9Gal Solomon30010
10Manoela Baixo22512
11Zanaiya Anderson20012
12Lavinia Baixo12512
13Rico Notsu10010
14Abigial Nguyen5012
15Ella Oh5011
16Mira Ouvraova259
17Halina Slowinski2510
18Tayler Brasol2511
19Mila Escobar2510
20Kiara Kurtz2512
21Mckaelynn Lund2510
22Grayson Erickson2512
23Lynlee Dunigan2512
24Laiklyn Dunigan25

Ranking Name Points Age
1Adym Pham150012
2Jack Loughridge145011
3Jett Barber120012
4Lincoln Reffett102511
5Santiago Buitrago42510
6Nicholas Zhang40012
7Cruz Aromi32512
8Hudson Pascoe30011
9Quentin Ware22512
10Drake Johnson22510
11Quinnten Anderson20011
12Desmond Pututau20012
13Levi Olson12512
14Marshall Clark10011
15Derek Chiu10011
16Jonatan Nilsson10011
17Jacob Garcia7512
18James Bewley5010
19Blake Behr5011
20Joshua Bewley5011
21Sam Tao5011
22Tyler Iskander5012
23Aidan Gohn2511
24Suhas Jupalli2512
25Donovan Caplinger2512
26Joseph Petrusha2512
27Liam To2512
28Chandler Craig2512
29Taz Oxley2512
30Bryson Craig2512
31Jake Angulo2510
32Luis Fischer2512
33Jase Volz2512
34Brooks Miller2510
35Sawyer Pendleton2512
36Jackson Metcalf2512
37Blake Morris2512
38Hugo Namiki2512
39Abel Green259
40Ethan Lin2511
41Calvin Bare2511
42Brody McGlinn2512
43Lucas McNamara2511

Ranking Name Points Age
1Kelly Goodnow150013
2Natalia Simson110013
3Diane Huynh100014
4Caroline Maguire90014
5Madalena Flores70013
6Leah Jones45013
7Brooklyn Lord42513
8Myda Pham40013
9Alice Pan20013
10Dylan Copenhaver20014
11Piper Pascoe20013
12Pingzhen Liu10014
13Mihika Gajendragadkar10013
14Maya Solomon2513

Ranking Name Points Age
1Dylan Galarza145013
2Ethan Bakalinsky142514
3Sam Libo140014
4MJ Marrero100013
5Pierce Behr65013
6Ryder Brown60013
7Maverick Messinger52514
8MJ Greiner50013
9Ryland Mehta42513
10Hudson Yeager40013
11Max Neumann40014
12Francis Chi30013
13Kyle Lewis Trinidad25013
14Kian Maghamfar22514
15Joseph DuBose20014
16Adam Cheney20014
17Jonah Karczmer15014
18Logan Formaniuk12514
19Mills Boggs10014
20Bennett Miller10013
21Casey Hooks10014
22Phi Trinh10014
23Leo Chun10013
24Drew Engle7514
25Thane Hendershot7514
26Jeremiah Jr Cole7514
27Aiden Olson7514
28Luka Bisharat7514
29Seth Nguyen5014
30Luke Blackann5014
31Lucas Bonetto5014
32Martyn Yi5013
33William Lindstrom5014
34Drew Sahid5014
35Skyler Garrigus5014
36Jack Mcglinn5014
37Hanson Huynh5013
38Ryan Christy5013
39Gianluca Randazzo5013
40Connor Schultz5013
41Jamin Weber5013
42Samuel Petrusha2514
43Lucas Stampe2514
44Walker Brasol2514
45Noah Allen2513
46Jackson Midgley2513
47Victor Pragle2513
48Aidan Freel2513
49Luke Kremer2513
50Dex Saniuk2513
51Daniel Suharjoto2514
52Landon Miller2513
53Logan Russell2514
54Jeshua Desque2513
55Christopher Loyola2514
56Everett Goldsmith2513
57Britton Shinker2513
58Daniel Kegnovich2514
59Bryce Kurtz2513
60Lukas Tomas2513
61Jose Loyola2513
62Christian Lund2514
63Michael Fermin2514

Ranking Name Points Age
1Jayda Maldonado130015
2Ella Cosma100016
3Cami Gonzalez80016
4Elsie Hendershot70012
5Francesca Randazzo60015
6Molly Ticknor52516
7Clarice Ouvarova50015
8Adalynn Lund50016
9Aline Morales40015
10Nahla Bernhardt30015
11Nellie Cournoyer20016
12Volly Johnson10016
13Maya Shamir10016
14Mariela Salapura5016
15Ariana Ajani5015
16Amelia Johnson2515

Ranking Name Points Age
1Braden Jacobson190016
2Rex Thais132515
3Charlie Konkachbaev120015
4Ethan Miller112516
5Andrew Caldarella60016
6Mikaeel Alibaig50016
7Saaid Morales40015
8Ford Casady40016
9Maddox Castellanos30016
10Austin Romaguera30015
11Gatlin Collins22515
12Nicklaus Vu20015
13Jack Sahid20016
14Brayden Brown20015
15Jackson Lyman15015
16Giovanni Erro10016
17Isaac Hall10016
18Nicholas Moon10016
19Javon Turcsany10016
20Dominic Osborne10016
21Houston Hassell7516
22Asher Baghurst5015
23Boone Casady5016
24Abhinav Mishra5016
25Brayden Clark5016
26Lucas Erlikh2516
27Kayden Nguyen2516
28Robby Rivera2516
29Jason Bruce2516
30Shawn Sheridan2515
31Alexander Ibrahim2515
32Landon Metzger2515
33Tanner Brasol2515
34Daniel Schappacher2515
35Max Hydell2515
36Micah Metcalf2515
37Ben Baravik2516
38Samuel Morelli2515
39Milo Briz2515
40Hudson Moore2515

Ranking Name Points Age
1Ella Evans100010
2Scout Johnson100012
3Grayson Erickson60012
4Halina Slowinski60010
5Kiera Ouvarova50012
6Abigail Nguyen40012
7Ellie Rodriguez40011
8Estelle Libo40012
9Ella Oh40011
10Manoela Baixo30012
11Lavinia Baixo30012
12Grace Kosednar25012
13Tayler Brasol20011
14Mira Ouvarova2009
15Lynlee Dunigan10012
16Laiklyn Dunigan100
17Zanaiya Anderson5012
18Serena Chi2511
19Sophie Nguyen2512
20Gal Solomon2510
21Rico Notsu2510
22Haruka Notsu2510

Ranking Name Points Age
1Jett Barber190012
2Adym Pham160012
3Jack Loughridge150011
4Lincoln Reffett110012
5Nicholas Zhang80012
6Levi Olson62512
7Blake Behr60011
8Jacob Garcia60012
9Cruz Aromi52512
10Derek Chiu50011
11Hudson Pascoe50011
12Jase Volz50012
13Quentin Ware45012
14Erick Behar Luizelli42510
15Joshua Bewley40011
16James Bewley40010
17Desmond Pututau40012
18Jonatan Nilsson40011
19Santiago Buitrago32510
20Cole Kremer3009
21Eli Kremer30011
22Joshua Lee30012
23Tyler Iskander30012
24Suhas Jupalli20012
25Ethan Lin20011
26Drake Johnson12510
27Samuel Heddings10012
28Calvin Bare10011
29Joseph Petrusha5012
30Raphael Halais5012
31Quinnten Anderson5011
32Liam Whipple5012
33Aidan Gohn2511
34Lenny Siari2510
35Chandler Craig2512
36Donovan Caplinger2512
37Bryson Craig2512
38Jake Angulo2510
39Liam To2512
40Joshua Kallevig2512
41Julian Santiago2510
42Hans Fischer259
43Luis Fischer2512
44Archer Toolson2511
45Blake Morris2512

1Pingzhen Liu120014
2Leah Jones110013
3Elsie Hendershot110012
4Diane Huynh100014
5Natalia Simson70013
6Madalena Flores60013
7Alice Pan40013
8Brooklyn Lord40013
9Kelly Goodnow35013
10Allison Pulaski20014
11Dylan Copenhaver20014
12Caroline Maguire20014
13Piper Pascoe20013
14Kaitlyn Nishi10013
15Berkley Toolson10014
16Hayden Hall10014
17Mary Carlisle5013
18Miihika Gajendragadkar5013
19Myda Pham5013
20Maya Solomon2513
1Dylan Galarza120013
2Ryder Brown120013
3MJ Greiner90013
4Kyle Lewis Trinidad80013
5Jonah Karczmer80014
6Ethan Bakalinsky77514
7Hanson Huynh60013
8Pierce Behr55013
9Skyler Garrgius55014
10Logan Formaniuk55014
11Kian Maghamfar50014
12Thane Hendershot50014
13Adam Cheney50014
14Leo Chun35013
15Ryan Christy32513
16Joseph DuBose30014
17Noah Allen30013
18Francis Chi30013
19Maverick Messinger27514
20Casey Hooks25014
21Asher Moon22514
22Jeshua Duque22513
23Mills Boggs20014
24Hudson Yeager20013
25Phi Trinh12514
26Bennett Miller12513
27Jackson Midgley10013
28Aidan Freel10013
29Luke Kremer10013
30Drew Engle10014
31Dex Saniuk10013
32Gianluca Randazzo10013
33Christopher Loyola10014
34Jose Loyola10013
35Luka Bisharat7514
36Jeremiah Jr Cole7514
37Ryland Mehta7513
38Aiden Olson7514
39Logan Russell7514
40Johnn Angeles5013
41Landon Miller5013
42Jamin Weber5013
43David Benge5014
44Jack Mcglinn5014
45Samuel Petrusha2514
46Lucas Stampe2514
47Lucas Pulaski2514
48CJ Vaccaro2514
49Walker Brasol2514
50Charlie Leeker2513
51Victor Pragle2513
52Om Bankar2513
53Deegan Blattert2514
54Grayson Dorland2513
55Raj Abramian2514
56Daniel Suharjoto2514
57Jayan Raval2513
58Emmett Cournoyer2514
59Britton Shinker2513
60Bryce Kurtz2513

Ranking Name Points Age
1Jayda Maldonado130015
2Cami Gonzalez130016
3Ella Cosma100016
4Clarice Ouvarova50015
5Aline Morales40015
6Volly Johnson40016
7Francesca Randazzo30015
8Ariana Ajani30015

Ranking Name Points Age
1Rex Thais230015
2Ethan Miller160016
3Indigo Dagnall150016
4Braden Jacobson110016
5Andrew Caldarella110016
6Nicholas Moon90016
7Boone Casady80016
8Ford Casady80016
9Charlie Konkachbaev70015
10Javon Turcsany60016
11Houston Hassell45016
12Mikaeel Alibaig40016
13Gatlin Collins40015
14Andrew Angulo40015
15Maddox Castellanos40016
16Ben Baravik40016
17Sam Libo40014
18Dominic Osborne30016
19Brayden Brown30015
20Jackson Lyman25015
21Aiden Schliekelman25015
22Isaac Hall25016
23Lucas Erlikh22516
24Joshua Canfield10016
25Milo Briz10015
26Max Neumann10014
27Santiago Gonzalez5015
28Hudson Moore5015
29Camden Raboin2516
30Eric Duncan2516
31Alexander Ibrahim2515
32Jason Bruce2516
33Dillon Thomas2516
34Daniel Schappacher2515
35Brayden Clark2516
36Trey Kirwin II2516
37Asher Baghurst2515
38Robby Rivera2516
39Zachary Pulaski2516
40Adam Dsouza2516
41Madden Mehan2515
42Tanner Brasol2515
43Joshua Uttech2515

1Grace Kosednar210012
2Sophie Nguyen130012
3Scout Johnson90012
4Zanaiya Anderson60012
5Kiera Ouvarova50012
6Serena Chi50011
7Ella Evans50010
8Ella Oh40011
9Manoela Baixo30012
10Sadie Gierman20012
11McKaelynn Lund20010
12Grayson Erickson15012
13Abigail Nguyen10012
14Alexandira DeMaree10010
15Sydney Lizell10012
16Tayler Brasol5011
17Gia Arcieri5012
18Ellie Rodriguez5011
19Emma Langdoc5011
20Lavinia Baixo5012
1Adym Pham130012
2Jett Barber120012
3Lincoln Reffett90012
4Quinnten Anderson60011
5Jase Volz50012
6Jacob Garcia40012
7Tyler Iskander30012
8Hudson Pascoe22511
9Joshua Lee20012
10Payton Lund20012
11Drake Johnson10010
12Cruz Aromi5012
13Derek Chiu5011
14Santiago Buitrago5010
15Raphael Halasis2512
1Caroline Maguire75014
2Pingzhen Liu65014
3Madalena Flores60013
4Kelly Goodnow55013
5Natalia Simson55013
6Diane Huynh40014
7Myda Pham35013
8Alice Pan30013
9Brooklyn Lord30013
10Piper Pascoe22513
11Halina Slowinski20010
12Dylan Copenhaver10014
13Kate Mcgrew5014
14Kaitlyn Nishi5013
15Mary Carlisle5013
16Mihika Gajendragadkar5013
17Kiara Kurtz5012
18Hayden Hall2514
1Ryder Brown105013
2MJ Marrero80013
3Pierce Behr70013
4Maverick Messinger55014
5MJ Greiner50013
6Ethan Bakalinsky50014
7Dylan Galarza40013
8Bennett Miller40013
9Noah Allen30013
10Francis Chi30013
11Kyle Lewis Trinidad30013
12Jonah Karczmer30014
13Ryan Christy20013
14Hanson Huynh10013
15Logan Formaniuk5014
16Ryland Mehta5013
17Luka Bisharat5014
18Bryce Kurtz5013
19Teo Salapura2514
20David Benge2514
21Gianluca Randazzo2513
22Knox Seader2513
1Jayda Maldonado120015
2Ella Cosma100016
3Cami Gonzalez100016
4Aline Morales50015
5Jaeda Minniefield50016
6Francesca Randazzo42515
7Clarice Ouvarova40015
8Nahla Bernhardt30015
9Maya Shamir30016
10Volly Johnson20016
11Nellie Cournoyer20016
12Ariana Ajani10015
13Myda Pham5013
14Mariela Salapura2516
15Taylor Porter2516
1Rex Thais190015
2Maddox Castellanos140016
3Andrew Angulo80015
4Ethan Miller70016
5Indigo Dagnall60016
6Nicholas Moon30016
7Ben Baravik30016
8Javon Turcsany20016
9Brayden Clark10016
10Isaac Hall10016
11Joseph DuBose5015
12Camden Raboin2516
13Daniel Schappacher2515

Junior PPA Tour

Compete against the top junior pickleball players around the country in traditional tournament events, where you will have the opportunity to showcase your talents, refine your skill set, and #PlayWhereTheProsPlay.

Age: 8-16
Skill: <5.5 DUPR Rating

Registration Fee: $75
Event Fee: $25

  • Boys Singles 12U
  • Girls Singles 12U
  • Boys Singles 14U
  • Girls Singles 14U
  • Boys Singles 16U
  • Girls Singles 16U


  • Boys Doubles 12U
  • Girls Doubles 12U
  • Boys Doubles 14U
  • Girls Doubles 14U
  • Boys Doubles 16U
  • Girls Doubles 16U


  • Junior Mixed Doubles 12U 
  • Junior Mixed Doubles 14U
  • Junior Mixed Doubles 16U 

Junior PPA events with 8 teams or more (8+ players for singles) will play the following format:

Double Elimination with No Come-Around (i.e. if a team loses a match, the best they can do from there is win Bronze and cannot come around for a chance to win Gold).

  • Main Draw: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2
  • Consolation: 1 game to 15, win by 2
  • Bronze Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 

Junior PPA events with less than 8 teams (less than 8 players for singles) will play the following format:

Round Robin

3 teams: Double Round Robin, No Playoffs.
4 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
5 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
6 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
7 teams: Single Round Robin with Playoffs for top three teams.
8+ teams: Double Elimination with No Come-Around

  • Pool Play: 1 game to 15, win by 2
  • Playoff Seeding determined by Matches Won, followed by Point Differential tiebreaker
  • Bronze Medal Match: 1 game to 15, win by 2
  • Gold Medal Match: 2/3 games to 11, win by 2

*Events may be combined or canceled if there are less than 3 teams in Doubles or less than 4 players in Singles. Tournament organizers possess the right to combine events to provide the best overall playing experience, given the circumstances.

*Brackets seeded by DUPR.


Grand Slams

  • 1,000 points awarded to first-place winners
  • Most prestigious Junior tournaments of the year
    • The Masters (Palm Springs, CA)
    • Atlanta Slam
    • Las Vegas Slam
    • Pickleball World Championships (Dallas, TX)

Points Structure:

1. 1st Place: 1,000
2. 2nd Place: 800
3. 3rd Place: 600
4. 4th Place: 400
5. 5th Place: 200
6. 6th Place: 100
    Appearance: 50




  • 500 points awarded to first-place winners
  • Popular locations across the PPA Tour

Points Structure:

1. 1st Place: 500
2. 2nd Place: 400
3. 3rd Place: 300
4. 4th Place: 200
5. 5th Place: 100
6. 6th Place: 50
    Appearance: 25


Head to PickleballTournaments.com and sign up before the registration deadline to secure your spot!


Navigate to the PPA TOUR under the “Tours & Series” section. Browse and select the tournament you’d like to participate in.


Junior PPA will offer age-based events ranging from ages 8-16.
Players are only allowed to participate in one event per day.


Please read and agree to terms of service to complete registration. Confirm payment and click submit to checkout. 

All registered Junior PPA players will receive a FREE Grounds Pass for the week of the event. The PPA Tour Grounds Pass is included in the registration fee. 

In addition, registration will come with one complimentary grounds pass for a parent or guardian age 18 or older to accompany them on the day that they play. To claim, a parent or guardian must be present when the player that they are accompanying checks in. 

Juniors are encouraged to watch the best professional pickleball players in the world.

2024 Junior PPA Finals

The Junior PPA Finals is the season-ending invitational tournament on the Junior PPA Tour that attracts more than 50 top-ranked Juniors from around the world to compete for the ultimate prize and recognition.

Juniors qualify through Junior PPA Points accumulated throughout the year with the top-ranked players from each division earning an invite to the Finals.

Elsie Hendershot

Girls Singles 12U

Ryder Brown

Boys Singles 12U

Ella Yeh

Girls Singles 14U

Charlie Konkachbaev

Boys Singles 14U

Ella Cosma

Girls Singles 16U

Ford Casady

Boys Singles 16U

Clarissa Year & Natalia Simson

Girls Doubles 12U

Leo Chun & MJ Greiner

Boys Doubles 12U

Ella Cosma & Cami Gonzalez

Girls Doubles 16U

Ford Casady & Boone Casady

Boys Doubles 16U

Karina Lam & Leo Chun

Mixed Doubles 12U

Elsie Hendershot & Braden Jacobson

Mixed Doubles 16U

Junior PPA Serves

In addition to competition events on the Junior PPA Tour, “Junior PPA Serves” will act as an initiative committed to serving the youth pickleball community by building opportunities centered around youth development and individual growth on and off the court. Junior PPA Serves embodies our mission of promoting, encouraging, and advancing the culture of youth pickleball..

Clinics and Events

Junior PPA players will be offered the opportunity to participate in engaging events that maximize youth development at each tour stop. These events will be free of charge.

Education and Character Building

Junior PPA players will be given access to online and in-person instruction to learn fundamentals, construct the right mindset, and build character to grow on and off the court.

Stay Connected

Follow us on instagram at @junior.ppa for upcoming events, announcements, news, and more. If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to d.almendarez@ppatour.com.

Photo Gallery

Learn More

To learn more about Junior PPA, please visit the Junior PPA 2025 Handbook. This handbook provides valuable information to help guide and ensure that all Junior PPA stakeholders have a positive and enjoyable experience.